Old Angel Midnight
‘Old Angel Midnight‘ flirts with the abyss using a cool as midnight trumpet riff and a piano that sounds like it was a recorded creaky empty old church session. Bopaganda Hi-Fi Productions has also released a video.

Comin’ Back from Birdland (With My Baby)
You can feel the vibe as Emma and Milt make there way home after seeing the Miles Davis Sextet at Birdland, May 2, 1952.

If Thoughts Could Sing (Gabby & Nate’s Theme)
‘If Thoughts Could Sing (Gabby & Nate’s Theme),‘ features Jakki Jelene and the Grooveblaster on spoken word vocals. The thoughts of Gabby & Nate move over strings of tension as they work their way through a summer of fun, lust and despair. The seventeen-year old wonderwaif nymph, who previously traveled the world with her parents, settles down to live with the recent Columbia grad Nate.

The Saturday Night Feast of the Delightful Pudding
‘The Saturday Night Feast of the Delightful Pudding‘ gives you a taste of a Saturday night party backed by bop. ‘The conversational riff… he is coming… he is here… he is gone.’

Looking at her, you know right away, you would want her in any blueprints you made for your dream house.

Cool Cat Lookin’ for a Kitty
A cynic with a drinking problem, he still manages to attract many sultry females at an extraordinary rate despite leaving behind many tales of drunkenness and cruelty – the distorted essence of true romance.

The All Night Record Man
A tribute to those late night DJs who are always there for you at 2 am when you turn on your radio looking for help against the demons who power the steamrollers of daily life.

Despair & Happiness
A study in contrasts. Nate was filled with excitement and anticipation knowing that tomorrow night he was going to ask Gabby to marry him. While Gabby sat next to him thinking about how she was going to leave Nate tomorrow morning after he left for work.

Late Night Seductress
She always has a mystical hold over him that belies her age. Sometimes it is her smile. Sometimes her eyes. Her walk. Her kiss or the way she grinds her hips against him. Sometimes it is the sway of her pigtails or her occasional baby girl voice. Sometimes she puts them all together, leaving Nate powerless to whatever she craves or needs. Whatever she wants she gets.